John Baskerville lived from January 28th 1706 to January 8th, 1775. he became a printer in Birmingham, England. Then in 1750 he established his own printing business. There , he prepared his own inks and paper and even the construction of the printing press. John was a member of the Society of Arts and designed many different typefaces, being one of the top type designers in the 18th century. he is best remembered as a printer and a typographer and is now recognized as a transformer of English printing and type founding. John Baskerville was the first to introduce the modern, sophisticated style of type with the contrast of light and heavy lines. Some of his most famous works are the Milton's Paradies Lost and Paradise Regained, Book of Common Prayer, and his Bible of 1763. he was greatly admired by the society of Arts and benjamin Franklin, which is who brought his work into the United States. Many typographers in the U.S. became jealous of John Baskerville and his work started to die down. however, today his work revivals and is mostly called 'Baskerville'. the Basterville typeface is classified as very transitional. So what makes Baskerville unique? I would say the way the font changes in weight and the simplistic modern look it has to it.
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